JKC Secures your life by securing your beloved once and your surrounding.
We make sure that you and your business is there with a perfect solution to the problem you face and we make sure that it is secure that you can sleep without any worries.
Number of Security solution as well as Surveillance solution is there with JKC to make you and your business feel secure from all the threats and bugs you face.
Benefits of JKC Security & Surveillance are as follows:
- Cost effective: with our secure solution, you’ll secure your maximum business and loved once with the help of smart Technical expertise.
- No surprises: our solution is a predictable, monthly cost. No more spikes in your IT budget. Your fixed yearly fee provides you with unlimited remote support during business hours.
- Flexibility: our services are scalable and are based on business demand, freeing you from staffing, bandwidth, power and space constraints.
- Expertise: we manage the evolving complexities of technology. Secure solution provides you with a team of experts in multiple knowledge areas, enabling you to access the latest secure solutions.
Our Security & Surveillance includes:
- CCTV Solution
- Firewall Solution
- Virus Solution
- Biometric Security Solution
- Attendance System
- Backup Solution
- Network Security

Surveillance has come a long way from analog CCTV system to DVR and now IP, With the continued and growing use of Internet and broadband communications, the unique monitoring characteristics of IP network cameras are creating new business opportunities, and a new type of monitoring market has emerged.
IP-Surveillance has emerged as an attractive alternative to the DVR as it provides a bridge to enter the Digital World with the ultimate solution of a high performance, low-cost Digital Video Surveillance and monitoring.
Surveillance, also known as network cameras, can be installed virtually anywhere, including stores, offices, schools and factories, and by connecting them to an IP network such as the Internet or Local Area Network (LAN), remote monitoring can be conducted from anywhere, at anytime they are connected to IP networks such as the Internet and allow for remote monitoring anywhere, anytime. With remote control capabilities and a variety of other functions, they offer both reliable and convenient monitoring.
We offer complete end-to-end video surveillance solution from traditional analog camera based solution to high-end IP camera based solution. Surveillance is the term given to the monitoring of behavior of any kind via videos. The surveillance includes simple, relatively no or low technology methods such as direct observation, observation with binoculars, cameras, CCTVs, postal interception, or similar methods.
With JKC Surveillance solutions you will be able to quickly and conveniently check your surveillance system from your office or home, or even while away on a business trip. Surveillance wherever and whenever you like.
To explorer more about JKC’s – Surveillance Solution to expand your business and make it secure contact us now.

Effective Security Solutions made Simple
Network Firewall (UTM)
Using the latest and most effective security hardware, Dell Sonicwall, JKC can provide Network Firewall solutions for businesses looking to protect the integrity of their data. The Dell Sonicwall firewall provides superior intrusion prevention, malware protection, application intelligence and control, and real-time traffic visualization. The firewalls are fully scalable to extend state of the art security to growing and distributed networks with your business.
Features of JKC’s Dell Sonicwall Solution
- Seize control of your applications
- Shut out threats at the Gateway
- Secure and control your remote access
- Take command of it all
- Minimized downtime
- Sonicwall Mobile Connect

- Network Firewall (UTM)
- Virtual Private Network(VPN)
- Anti-Spam / Anti-Virus / Anti Malware
Contact JKC to learn more about a Network Firewall security solution for your secure business.

Effective Security Solutions made Simple
Anti-Spam/Anti-Virus/Anti Malware
JKC’s Anti-Spam/Anti-Virus/Anti Malware solution provides businesses with leading anti-spam technology. E-mail is checked and scanned before it even reaches your site and is inherently more effective than server or client-based filtering.
Filtering accurately blocks up to 80% of incoming spam at the connection level, while also intelligently slowing down suspicious senders.
In addition the filtering system assesses the trustworthiness of website URLs contained in incoming messages. This provides an even higher level of assurance by protecting users from viruses, phishing and spyware threats.
This accuracy is further enhanced by checking the origin of every message against a database containing an accurate traffic monitoring network.
Security Solutions
- Network Firewall(UTM)
- Virtual Private Network(VPN)
- Anti-Spam / Anti-Virus / Anti Malware
Contact JKC to learn more about security services

Backup and Data Recovery
Company data is one of your most valuable assets. The backup of your company data is the single most important task within any organisation that must be monitored and managed on a daily basis. JKC not only manages the backup process, we also regularly test the integrity of the backups to ensure the restoration of your data is possible in the time of an accidental deletion or in the event of a complete data downfall.
We offer safe and secure onsite and offsite backup solutions. Onsite backups are performed to a client’s site network attached storage device and then replicated to our local secure data centre. The time between each backup is dependent on the client’s requirements but can be as frequent as every 15 minutes.
Data Recovery
JKC will assist your business in developing an effective Data Recovery Plan (DRP) to aid the recovery and protection of your businesses IT infrastructure in the event of a disaster. Given the dependence on information technology systems to effectively manage operations, a DRP is a vital in a business of any size. The objective of the DRP is to minimise downtime and loss of data.
JKC can advise your business on the most effective strategies and business policies to enable fast and easy restoration of data which are vital to business continuity.
Contact JKC to discuss your businesses backup and disaster recovery strategies.
Enjoy peace of mind with JKC’s Network Security Solution
JKC’s network security solution protect the usability, reliability, integrity, and safety of your network and data. JKC has proven itself to provide effective network security that targets a variety of threats and prevents them from infiltrating your network.
User Management
JKC have the ability customize user access and permissions to ensure the integrity of confidential data throughout your business.
File/Folder Management
JKC provide file and folder management solutions which work to protect data in your network. File and folder management can prevent critical information from being accessed, modified, or deleted.
Firewall Management
JKC uses the most effective Firewall solutions through Sonic and Cisco in an effort to minimize risk to our client’s networks without compromising network performance. JKC can advise your business on the most appropriate strategy for your Firewall hardware.
Wireless Access Point (WAP) Management
JKC provides Wireless Access Point Management solutions to businesses looking to increase access to WiFi services without sacrificing secure.
Contact JKC to ensure your network is secure.